Wasib Bin Latif, MD Mobarak Karim
Leaders are made not born. Basically people can become leaders through learning, teaching, and observation. It is a set of skills, knowledge and abilities that can be learned by training, perception, practices and experience. Entrepreneurial activities are associated with various uncertainties, complexities, and challenges. Higher education is need for the building of competencies of the Entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and abilities. Additionally, for successfully deals with the challenge, the student’s engagement is essential to create interpersonal relationship, teamwork, enabling task delegation, and building confidence among the group members. Actually the entrepreneurial leader takes responsibility for their actions and those actions must be more proactive than reactive. The leader must have ability to learn fast and within environments of indistinctness and change, while providing clarity and rationality for those around them. Amey (2006) stated that the leaders are key to how organizations function, and there is little doubt that the leaders who are needed to guide postsecondary institutions in tomorrow’s complex environments have to think about their work differently than did their predecessors.
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