Dr. Mahantesh M Kuri and Somaling Vitthal Kattimani
Initial Public Offering is a process of issuing shares to public for the first time. There are various sources available to organizations to raise required capital Initial Public offering is one among the popular among them. At the same time Initial Public offering (IPO) is also one of the important investment avenues available to investors to invest their money. Now days, several organizations are coming with a IPOs and SMEs are not exception to this. Thus, this paper is objected to study the performance of SME IPOs which are listed on BSE in the year 2021. The data has been collected from BSEindia.com and one month, second month, third month, six month and one year return calculated for the analysis. This paper found that some of the IPOs are mispriced and there is huge difference exists between issue price and one month, second month, third month, six month and one year return. Thus, this paper suggests that before investing in any SME IPOs investors should evaluate the past performances of a company and should be cautious enough to take decision on investments in IPOs. This paper is helpful for investors, stock broking houses, QIBs etc., in making proper investment decisions.
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